Our Digital Learning Approach

CoSector Digital Learning has over 50 years’ experience of delivering leading digital learning platforms that are flexible and resilient to meet all your needs and futureproof the technology you invest in to provide your learners with the best, up to date learning environment at all times.

Our approach to digital learning – the wheel

Digital Learning Partner

  • As your digital learning partner, we want to help you optimise your investment in learning through digital technology expertise. We work with you and your own unique requirements to:


Understand, consult and recommend wise courses of action across technical, pedagogical and strategic levels


Articulate a vision and architecture for a future state that meets customer and user needs


Create and communicate a shared roadmap for transformation 



Build, configure and test solutions


Enhance the capability of systems and teams through technical customisation and flexible people services


Ensure seamless, invisible transition between multiple systems to provide users with a single ‘digital learning platform’ for their entire academic life


Provide access to experienced, thoughtful experts to aid navigation through complex, technical, practical and strategic challenges


Build the capability of customers by educating your stakeholders, staff and students


Digital Learning Services

The myriad of digital learning services we can provide is extensive, including, but not limited to:


The provision of learning resources to support teaching is key. We believe it is critical for a platform to support blended learning, be that flipped classroom or other pedagogical methods. Using technology to enable learners to access resources according to different learning paths ensures the widest possible community.


Enabling a transformation of the assessment process through technology is one of the most challenging yet powerful opportunities available to education providers. Streamlined digital assessment encompassing management and administration, assignment specification, digital delivery, grading and feedback and reporting and analysis can release capacity to focus on student outcomes, widen participation and deliver a high quality education experience.


Using technology such as virtual classrooms, intuitive technologies for communication, messaging, assignments and other key learning activities, collaboration and discussion crossing physical boundaries such as geographic distance can create an engaging and high quality digital learning platform.


Content in a digital learning platform can be enhanced in a number of ways. Accessibility is key to help learners to choose how to access content based on preference, as well as need. Technology can also assist in reducing workload for staff involved in generating accessible content, thus leading to far broader learning engagement with the material on offer.


The administration involved in digital learning platforms should not be underestimated, and technology can assist in making these critical systems efficient, reliable and secure. From integrating SRS to detailed reporting on student access to course material and engagement to rollover of course content, digital learning administration tools helps create a seamless experience for users

User Experience

Encompassing all the different processes, tools and systems that create the digital learning platform need to be navigated and accessed as seamlessly as possible for the maximum personalised student engagement and experience. We believe the digital hub is the foundation of a successful digital learning experience, for all users, staff and learners alike.


As learners continue, voluntarily or for professional advancement, their learning journey can be documented and recorded using portfolio tools. Accreditation to help employability and professional development as well as lifelong learning can all be located in one single, secure, verified platform.


Creating a community for learners can be key to successful outcomesDistance learning using video-conferencing, chat, discussion and assessment can overcome the physical barriers of location, aiding student retention and success. Building on a reputation for successful outcomes will also so help student recruitment and access to open learning.


Digital Learning Platform

Your digital learning platform is the complete set of systems through which your learners will navigate their academic life. Our digital learning team have extensive experience of these systems, utilising our experience of being a university ourselves. Our unique insight means we can help you with:


The provision of learning resources to support teaching is key. We believe it is critical for a platform to support blended learning, be that flipped classroom or other pedagogical methods. Using technology to enable learners to access resources according to different learning paths ensures the widest possible community.


Enabling a transformation of the assessment process through technology is one of the most challenging yet powerful opportunities available to education providers. Streamlined digital assessment encompassing management and administration, assignment specification, digital delivery, grading and feedback and reporting and analysis can release capacity to focus on student outcomes, widen participation and deliver a high quality education experience.


Using technology such as virtual classrooms, intuitive technologies for communication, messaging, assignments and other key learning activities, collaboration and discussion crossing physical boundaries such as geographic distance can create an engaging and high quality digital learning platform.


Content in a digital learning platform can be enhanced in a number of ways. Accessibility is key to help learners to choose how to access content based on preference, as well as need. Technology can also assist in reducing workload for staff involved in generating accessible content, thus leading to far broader learning engagement with the material on offer.


The administration involved in digital learning platforms should not be underestimated, and technology can assist in making these critical systems efficient, reliable and secure. From integrating SRS to detailed reporting on student access to course material and engagement to rollover of course content, digital learning administration tools helps create a seamless experience for users

User Experience

Encompassing all the different processes, tools and systems that create the digital learning platform need to be navigated and accessed as seamlessly as possible for the maximum personalised student engagement and experience. We believe the digital hub is the foundation of a successful digital learning experience, for all users, staff and learners alike.


As learners continue, voluntarily or for professional advancement, their learning journey can be documented and recorded using portfolio tools. Accreditation to help employability and professional development as well as lifelong learning can all be located in one single, secure, verified platform.


Creating a community for learners can be key to successful outcomesDistance learning using video-conferencing, chat, discussion and assessment can overcome the physical barriers of location, aiding student retention and success. Building on a reputation for successful outcomes will also so help student recruitment and access to open learning.


Digital Learning Hub

Your digital learning hub is the single, seamless point of entry to the digital learning platform providing learner’s with the illusion of a single piece of technology.

Digital Learning Vision